Tuesday, March 5, 2013

[c++] gcnew and new



The new and gcnew operator are similar. Both allocate memory and invoke the constructor of the object. Whereas new allocates memory from a native heap and returns a pointer, gcnew will allocate memory from the GC heap and return a handle. A boxed value type is easy to recognize, as the type is simply a handle to value type. For example:

      int m = 42;             // integer on the stack
int* n = new int(42); // integer on a native heap
int^ o = gcnew int(42); // boxed integer on the GC heap

There are other ways to create boxed value types, but I will leave that for another time when I discuss the implementation of boxed value types.

Why is it important to distinguish whether an instance of an object is on the GC heap or a native heap? The GC algorithm implemented by the CLR is a generational compacting garbage collector. This means that the memory location of the object can change upon each garbage collection. This does not happen on the native heap. A pointer refers to an instance in memory that never moves. The garbage collector ensures that a handle always points to the right instance.

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